General information
Fair Isle is 4.8 km (3.0 miles) in length and 2.4 km (1.5 miles) wide. The total length of the coastline, with all its intricacies, is difficult to estimate, but may be over 32 km (20 miles), with 24 km (15 miles) being a best guess at an entire walking circuit. It has an area of 768 hectares (3 square miles).
For weather forcasts, live webcam images and links to detailed weather data.
Useful island information
Information on shops, churches, the museum, telephone reception etc
Knitters & crafters
Where to see and buy the distinctive, local knitware.
What rocks make up Fair Isle? Discover where fossils and copper have been found.
Scenery & landforms
The diverse landscape of Fair Isle is dominated by cliffs, stacks and arches.
The crofts
The island's crofts are located in the south.
History of the Observatory
The Observatory was founded in 1948, but bird studies started c.50 years earlier